Welcome To Zoology Department

'Specious HOD cabin'

'Inauguration of model exhibition by the auspicious hands of Honourable Principal Dr Pandit Shelke'


'Display of museum'

'Departmental Library'

'Specious and well equipped laboratory-1 '

'Specious and well equipped laboratory-2'
Departmental Staff
1. Dr. Sharad Giramkar (M.Sc. Ph.D.) (Head of the Department)
2. Dr. Anju Mundhe (M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. SET)
3. Dr. Mahesh Joshi (M.Sc. Ph.D.)
1. Mr. Sandipan Pawar (B. Com) (Lab Assistant)
2. Mr. Narayan Khomane (M. A.) Lab Attendant
Profile of the Department:
Department of Zoology was established in the year 1986. The Department caters education in both classical and applied aspects of the subject. The department is headed by Dr. Sharad Giramkar and is empowered by very talented and experienced faculties which include Dr. Anju Mundhe, Mrs. Seema Gaikwad and Mrs. Irfana Mulla. Dr. Sharad Giramkar is a recognized Ph. D. research guide in Zoology and Environmental Science of Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune. To fulfill the regional needs the department has taken initiative to start a Short Term course in Bee Keeping and Vermiculture. People often comment on the friendly and academic ambience in the department and we prize that aspect of our environment. We aim to provide a supportive and open atmosphere for everyone who works here, staff, students and visitors alike. We value all members of the Department and we are working hard to enhance quality of education.
- To develop research aptitude and a scientific advancement.
- To bring about an awareness regarding nature and biodiversity and help to solve different problems to establish sound and peaceful environment and life for community and society.
- Provide a broad range of transformed society through the empowerment of youth.
- Reinvest ourselves in response to the changing demands of society with high moral values as a good citizen and inculcate high values through a liberal education.
- Provide a broad range of non-formal educational services too.
Mission of the department:
The holistic development of the student and make them able to contribute effectively for their welfare and society in this dynamic era.
Facilites provided by the Department:
- Well equipped two laboratories.
- Talent and qualified staff.
- Non-teaching staff with helping nature.
- Internet facilities
- Avoilabilities of major equipments such as
- VIS spectrophotometer (1)
- Colorimeter (1)
- pH meter (1)
- Centrifuge (1)
- BOD incubator
6 .Gel electrophoresis units (vertical and horizontal) 01
- Research microscope
8.. Stereo microscopes
- Binocular Dissecting microscopes
- Charts, Models etc.
Area of Research:
Animal Physiology, Entomology, Developmental Biology, Parasitology, Arachnology, Enviromental Science