Welcome To Environmental Science Department


'Hand Wash'

'National Science Day'
Department of Environmental Science
About Environmental Science Department
· Department was established in 2019.
· Implying Innovative teaching methods & encouraging for research in vast field of Life sciences with Environmental Science view .
· To develop, nurture and empower the students to their full potential to cope with the environmental challenges for achieving the sustainable development.
· To adopt state- of- the- art technologies to optimize use of teaching and research for enhancing knowledge , skills and entrepreneurship amongst the young generations .
· To be recognized as an Excellent Centre in educating and training the students / teachers to provide solutions to environmental and climatic issues through innovative approaches.
1. To create and disseminate knowledge to the students about environmental problems at local, regional and global scale.
2. To provide practical training on modern instrumentation and analytical techniques for environmental analyses.
3. To sensitize students towards environmental concerns, issues, and impacts of climate change and related mitigation strategies.
4. To make the students to apply their knowledge for efficient environmental decision-making, management and sustainable development.
5. To prepare students for successful career in environmental departments, research institutes, industries, consultancy and NGOs, etc..
Programmes offered by Department
Post Graduate Programme:
· It provides challenging academic environment and increase the proficiency of the student to enter a career in industry and research.
PhD Programme:
The Doctorate of Environmental Science program helps students develop practical skills and knowledge required to critically evaluate environmental problems and issues, and provide applied solutions.